Monday, June 30, 2008

Delight In The Mundane

This is also stop and smell the roses. We get so wrapped up in day to day living of accomplishing that which we set before us that we are usually on the move from the time we get up until we go to bed only to repeat the same situation the next day.

I've been guilty of this, mostly when working on a project and to me it is a wonderful way to live as you feel useful and purpose driven. The problem is that it is an attractive way to live and as such we can get caught up in it too much.

Sometimes you have to force yourself to marvel at the simple pleasures and enjoy them, once you can see the beauty in the sunrise or sunset, the celestial map of stars overhead, or the smell of a freshly cut lawn then you are likely capable of enjoying a small pleasure. It is a matter of setting aside time to enjoy a small pleasure.

Ice cream on a hot afternoon.
Sitting outside in the cool evening.
A phone call to a friend.
Whatever it may be that can bring a brief respite to the daily grind of living is a simple pleasure, it doesn't have to be actual rose smelling. It should be relaxing and spontaneous!

It should be fun, something we are missing out on if we get caught up in what we need to be doing and instead of what we can be doing.

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