Thursday, June 12, 2008

Operation: Qatar!

My good friend Beersnob is shipping out in September to Qatar and I have got an idea on sending a piece of home with him and hoping that some of the people there can enjoy some relaxation as well.

I came across a cigar catalog in which a bunch of troops were enjoying cigars. Then I found a message board where they donate large quantities of their cigars to the troops and send care packages over to them. I have read a lot of posts from deployed personnel and for a half hour at a time while they are all back after their mission/patrol they can relax and feel normal again. Those feelings are priceless in bad environments.

Operation: Qatar will consist of me gathering up the supplies, cigars, cutters, and humidification beads to assemble at least ten care packages to ship off with Beersnob along with a special package and humidor for him. He will essentially be a supply depot! I have ordered a humidor and now have to go about getting the containers for the care packages. I plan on using ziploc plastic containers! They are sturdy and the cigars won't get hurt while in transit! I want to put ten to fifteen cigars of different varieties in each container so I'll have to come up with one hundred to two hundred cigars for this operation!

I don't want cheap drug store cigars either. I have posted on the message board I came across to ask the deployed men and women what they would like since they have received a variety in Iraq and Afghanistan. They should have some insight into what a care package should have in it.

Beersnob will also be consulted since he will hopefully be taking the packages along with him but not right now. I'd like the idea to be more of a surprise to him since he enjoys those kind of things!

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