Saturday, June 07, 2008

Pithecanthropus Erectus Vs. Piano Concerto 2 In F Minor

Being bored at work yesterday I had my ipod and was going through everything to see what I haven't paid attention to before. So I happen upon the Charles Mingus breakthrough work Pithecanthropus Erectus which is a free form jazz piece.

Free form jazz is just hard to describe, it is about playing what you feel at the time. It is something you honestly just have to like and be into. It has no structure, no two pieces are ever the exact same, it is completely improvisational. Charles Mingus was an interesting figure. You should research him as he put out a voluminous amount of work over his jazz career. In one stretch he released thirty albums in ten years!

Now I enjoy improvisation but when it comes to comedy, dialogue and acting, not so much in music.

I found out yesterday that I enjoy more of a structured musical environment after I listened to Frederic Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2 composed in 1830 when Chopin was around 20. This is one beautiful piece of music. It is disciplined, structured, and while you listen to it it just sweeps you up in its journey!

Now I'm not saying that the Mingus piece isn't beautiful. It is if you are a jazz fan if you aren't you would probably just find it annoying. The difference I see is that even if you aren't a classical music fan you would still find Piano Concerto 2 to be a beautiful work of art. Free form jazz is just more niche while classical is more universal I guess.

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