Sunday, June 08, 2008

Tomorrow Is The Big Day

If you have an iPhone or have been waiting to get one until the next version comes out! Steve Jobs will likely be announcing 2.0 tomorrow while the next software update will also be released this week!

Now it is widely speculated that the next iPhone version will feature 3G over the current Edge network. That doesn't mean a lot since 3G isn't widely available yet and isn't available here. It is also likely to have GPS and hopefully a longer battery life.

I doubt that I will upgrade right now unless they have a 32 gig version. I'd love to have more storage but the other things just don't interest me that much and are useless right now where I live. I am looking forward to the new App store though.

My personal wish list would be a file system that allows me to download and start programs.
A theme application that allows me to customize how my iPhone looks. Yes I know you can unlock it and there are plenty of them but I don't want to unlock it right now unless that doesn't happen. I'd just like things like that. More options for what I already have.

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