Thursday, June 05, 2008

Will She Or Won't She

Now that Obama has captured the nomination and Clinton has put herself, rather humbly, out there as a VP candidate there is one decision left that will determine the legacy of a would be political dynasty. Will she remain the junior senator from New York or not?

She wants power, she wants to be on the ticket, she wants to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency. She has already mentioned assassination and Obama in the same Q & A session. You know what she is thinking. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure it out. Her sole purpose in life is the acquisition of power, same as a Marxist. Consolidate power in a central location and drive everyone to mediocrity as fast as possible by punishing success through taxes and regulations.

The only thing is that the Obamas hate her. They don't want Bill Clinton anywhere near their administration looking over Barack's shoulder. Telling him what he did when he was President. Having Hillary right there, watching him like a vulture for every misstep and capitalizing on every political gaffe.

My bet is that Obama will not take Hillary on his ticket unless the DNC forces him to. Yes they can do that. They will set him down in a smoke filled room and 'splain things to him at the convention. That is the ONLY way he will take a Clinton and all the baggage that comes with being a Clinton on the ticket in the Fall.

The Clinton almost dynasty is likely over with and done, relegated to the ash heap of history much like the Soviet Union.

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