Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Good Wednesday

Nothing spectacular happened. I got past Bullseye in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. I had lots of router problems last night though and my internet was up and down. Weird!

Taking it to work today so Mandingo can look it over as he does IT stuff. It's just weird that it would work and then within the span of a few minutes it would stop working and then work again.

I picked up one of the few movies I don't yet own, The Big Lebowski. It's also one of the few Coen Brothers movies I enjoyed. There were a few, O Brother Where Art Thou, The Man Who Wasn't There, and No Country for Old Men were the tops in my opinion.

I was reading an article about how there is a subculture that has built up around this almost flop of a movie. It didn't make a lot of money, stayed in the theaters only a couple of weeks but has become more popular over the years. There is a Dudespaper, a documentary about the Dudes Convention, and a few other odds and ends things that have cropped up since the movies release.

I emailed Beersnob, since he hasn't seen the movie, to see if he would like to host a movie night. Everyone can drink White Russians and wear bath robes.

Thing 1 has got The Date to watch Angel (Thing 1 was ill yesterday and stayed home) and now The Date has come to love another TV show...LOL. It's really pretty funny!

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