Saturday, September 26, 2009

Yesterday Was Up And Down

I'd feel good for a while and then go to feeling bad for a while. It was weird. This morning I feel pretty good though. I'm drinking a cup of hot coffee made from Dunkin' Donuts beans. Amazing coffee. Maybe some of the best I've had!

I found it very ironic yesterday that the G-20 protests in Pittsburgh were actually protesting our President who largely agrees with the income redistribution ideals they do. Our President is not a pro capitalist, not one of his programs will lead anyone to that conclusion.

Yes there is a splinter faction of the protesters who are anarchists which is also funny. They are generally late teen, early twenties, skinny as a rail and likely anti gun vegans. Yeah they would survive a LONG time in a world ruled by Mad Max style anarchy....they better watch out for what they wish for.

Go look at Somalia, that is a country ruled by anarchy. They have no governing body at all. They should go live there for a while and see if that is a better lifestyle. Somehow I don't believe they would be conducive to that kind of environment. None of them really strike me as a Bear Grylls or Les Stroud kind of people.

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