Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Longest Day Of Work

Yesterday was by far one of the longest days of work in the over seventeen years of my tenure there. The night before was filled with Nyquil to allow me some peaceful sleep. The next morning drowsy was the word of the day.

So I went to my normal quickshop to get some coffee or anything in order to help me wake up and shake the drowsy feeling. They were out of large coffee cups so I had to settle for the smaller size, not exactly what I was hoping for.

I picked up some Halls vitamin C and Halls cough drops and so began a Nyquil/Halls induced hazy day. The combination made every second longer than the last and the minutes stretched into hours. I couldn't shake off the haze in my head. My coworker had called in sick so I was alone in the shop.

Yeah I could have gone home and left the shop dark but it was only a cough and my own fault for taking too much Nyquil. I could and did tough it out.

Sure I came home checked my temperature (No fever) and crashed for three hours after work. Felt good too. I got up around seven, watched Tuesday night's Sons of Anarchy episode and jumped into the shower. That gave me a warm hand up and out of the haze filled day.

Now that hot water felt good. This morning other than a hacking cough I feel lots better. The hot shower is a miracle worker!

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