Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's Always Sunny In Oklahoma

I rested, took care of Thing 2 while The Date was at work, and watched a new show that I should have started watching a couple of years ago.

Over the last year FX had a show on called Testees. Brilliant show but sadly it won't be around for a second season. The thirteen episodes that exist are all that will likely be produced as no other channel will probably pick up such a great show. It was probably the best comedy show on cable though, was...

As of last night there is a comedy show that I knew about. Have seen lots of previews for as I watched several shows on FX (The Shield, Sons of Anarchy, etc.) but now It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is at the top of my comedy list.

I was bored, was watching Thing 2 so I was browsing iTunes for something to watch. The first season was like ten dollars and the second was about fifteen I believe. Boy am I glad I pulled the trigger on this show!

The story of the show is essentially three guy friends own a bar in South Philly. One of the owners has hired his sister Dee to bartend. The first season usually involved some kind of trouble Charlie would get into. The second issue a woman makes Charlie believe her kid was actually Charlie's to pawn the responsibility off onto him. The result is that Mac finds out that women who are pro life are hot and so he attends pro life rallies to hit on women. Plenty of hilarity ensues.

The second season introduces TV veteran actor Danny DeVito to the mix after a long absence. His character definitely lends more credibility to the show and a misguided character who wants to be rid of his wife and experience his youth again.

This show is fairly low budget and on the gritty side. The bar is a dive, I believe the apartments are all the same set just dressed differently. It's likely a show that any of my friends could finance without a financial hardship if they knew of someone who had the equipment to produce it.

The show is well written, lots of character development, lots of edgy stories that poke fun at some modern taboos. It's everything a modern comedy should be and has the freedom to stretch it's wings since it is on FX, a channel known for edgy shows.

I'd highly recommend watching Testees...and if you can't find that watch It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia!

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