Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bad Day Turned Good

Yesterday was just out and out bad. From the time I arrived to work to see SM already at work and getting their one hour of overtime per day (while sitting around doing nothing) to the threat of inspection just around the corner. Yes the same overstaffed and underworked shop I blogged about yesterday.

It felt like nothing went right and nothing was good enough. Even though you were doing the job better than anyone else has or will do it wasn't good enough. That's the one step forward and three steps back feeling I had all day. It wears you down and makes you just not care anymore. They can do whatever they want, you did what you could do and they think that sucks so why do anymore for them?

Thankfully it's all over now. They leave today and we are safe.

After work we headed to a Mexican restaurant for supper and then to church for the famous Christmas Pageant with friends! We helped celebrate T's birthday with her and enjoyed the rest of the evening. The show was good. They closed last night, it was the sixth show in a row.

I know the feeling of relief after a show closes. We've never done six in a row, four was the most. Four over one weekend and three over the other and that was a ton!
It is also very taxing on you and everyone involved. I chatted with a couple of actor friends of mine and we caught up a bit, bid our goodbyes, and headed home after a long day.

I was asleep soon after I laid down.

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