Friday, December 03, 2010

I'm Glad

It's Friday and the work week is 4/5ths over. One more hectic day at work and it'll all be over for forty eight hours. It'll start again though. Unlike a lot of people I don't mind Mondays that much.

You've got to get the week started if you'll ever get it done. Without the work week we'd never appreciate the weekend.

I did decent at Starcraft last night, won two more than I lost. Not bad but not good either. I should be at a much higher skill level now but there is something missing from my game that I just can't put my finger on. I'll figure it out though.

I'm still second place and did gain points on first. I do understand there is possibly a ladder reset coming up in a month. That means I get to re qualify and get into a higher league!

I need to get the opponent on defense faster, I'm waiting too long to move out and they are able to counter most everything when they are able to have an equal army. So I'll watch more replays and learn more and practice more.

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