Monday, December 20, 2010

Four Day Work Week

Yep, just four days away from ten straight days off! I had a horrible Starcraft day yesterday. I had a seven game losing streak going at one point. I lost way more than that though I'd have the occasional win to break up the losing.

It didn't matter what I did, I couldn't win. I tried switching races, I tried proven build orders, nothing worked for me. Eventually I got on a six game win streak and while I'm still second in my league I came close again to gaining first!

I'll get there! I had so many close calls though. I know even the top players lose a few but I'd at least like to beat the players in bronze consistently which I'm not able to do at this point.

The Date was feeling ill most of yesterday. I'm hoping she doesn't have the flu but she had some horrible body aches late Saturday and just felt miserable. Hopefully today she'll recover and feel much better!

Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed by the Senate after a House vote late last week. As a Conservative/Libertarian hybrid I'm very pro-military (as I even work for the military). If it hurts the military and their performance I'm opposed to it as that would eventually hurt our country. None of my military friends mind the repeal, polls suggest few in the military oppose a full repeal so therefore I feel it's a good thing.

If you are willing to sacrifice your life in the military and defend our country, I'm behind you and support you! Serve well!

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