Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Long Day Ahead

So after the cat's destruction of our Christmas tree yesterday I took Thing 2 out and about and we found a new one. She wanted to decorate it in blue and silver so we found lights and blue and silver ornaments. The Date and Thing 2 proceeded to decorate the night away and it looks great:)

Now if we can keep Scotch out of this tree we'll do great. I got a couple of games of Starcraft in. I went 2-2 narrowly losing the last one against a gold ranked player. He was platinum in the three other divisions too. I'm still bronze even though I feel my skills warrant a higher league now. Abostang said there will be a ladder reset coming up soon and we can re qualify for placement again.

Today will be a lot of work. We have to get place ready for another inspection team and keep our regular work going too. That makes for a very busy day or handful of days really.

As a follow up to yesterday's post Obama and the GOP came to a compromise on taxes and unemployment. Two years of the Bush tax cuts for everyone for one year of unemployment benefits (which will end next year during the holidays if my calendar is right) The left is screaming at Obama about compromise and why he shouldn't do it and the right is upset for compromising anything since they don't have to after January.

You'll see the unemployment rate stay the same as long as you provide an incentive NOT to take a job. Of course how they derive at such a rate is a long and drawn out equation that most normal people couldn't figure out but politicians can and will manipulate it.

So look for a high unemployment rate for the next year while people are being paid not to find a job.

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