Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Nearly Sleepless NIght

I felt like I got to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow last night. Then somewhere between two and three my brain kicked on and it's been on since I got up leaving me feeling unrested and perhaps grumpy. The day will see when I have to interact with other people. I'm unsure right now what will happen, if I'll be my normal affable self or the very rare grumpy me.

I made chili last night to ward off the cold. I woke up and it's warmer out now than it was when I went to bed. No snow, nothing's frozen over, and no need to defrost the windshields.

The Date has some finals today so she will be very busy. Thing 1 is camped out on the couch after being sick all day yesterday. Thing 2 will find out if she got a part in the teen show. I'll struggle to get through the day with little to no sleep. I'll make it, I always do but it won't be fun or easy.

Things are gearing up for a big inspection next week and it's crazy nuts at work. People are losing their minds because of all regulations we have to follow. It's a voluminous amount however we've done the job for decades and know it well. We'll be ok.

I did watch some of MSNBC last night since it was a quiet night at home. Those are some angry, bitter people! Olbermann was beside himself with rage against the President for compromising with the GOP. Maddow had a silly but brilliant cheese analogy. The guy after that parroted the first two with nothing original to say.

Here are the facts. This is not a tax cut. It's an extension of the current tax rates for two years. In exchange the GOP agreed to an extension of unemployment benefits. I feel we could have brought the hammer down and put it at six months or less but we didn't.

The left feel like Obama sold them out and wanted a return to higher tax rates for some American families. Let's get this out of the way, NO ONE IS UNDER TAXED IN THIS COUNTRY! The government doesn't have a revenue problem, they have Obama's spending problem. They have to fund all of his elaborate schemes with tax payer money and there isn't enough.

The FED is producing money out of thin air now. That's not good. Our national debt is skyrocketing and there is little hope on the horizon to bring it down. If you think the bad times are almost over you are mistaken, they are still coming and soon there will be a bigger meltdown.

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