Sunday, May 07, 2006

A Great Day!!!!

I had heard rumors on message boards, fan forums, and internet articles. I can tell you after reading it in a few official places that it will be officially done in September!

The original theatrical cuts of Star Wars will FINALLY BE RELEASED ON DVD!!!!

This is amazing news! I did the happy dance when I found out it was official. Finally the non CGI'd movies I grew up with and saw over and over again in the theaters, the Han shooting first and non enhanced exploding Death Star are back! The Jabba scene is now absent again, thank goodness!!!!

Up until now the only way you could view the best versions, IMHO of course, was to buy the Definitive Laser Disc set and a player on Ebay. There were plenty of changes and all you have to do is run an internet search to find the differences between the Originals and the Lucas'd Revisionist Versions. There are many.

Now here is the weird part. The Revisionist Versions aren't that bad but they were unnecessary. The Originals could have been released at the same time perhaps in the same set. Everyone would have been satisfied. The people who never saw the Originals and only had the CGI'd versions in the theater and the ones who had the privilege to have experienced Star Wars the first time around.

Then there are those who are growing up with Star Wars now....well the CGI fests now called on to carry on the Star Wars name. Blech.

Star Wars was Star Wars when I saw it, I was seven. I saw Empire only once in the theater. I mowed lawns and saw Jedi five times within a couple of weeks.

George Lucas has built an empire and while only a fraction of a percentage of that was my dollars, I still love the Original Trilogy and will again be in line to buy it as quickly as possible!

Hey, its Star Wars and this time its MY Star Wars!!!!

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