Monday, May 08, 2006

There Is No Super Bowl For Us

That is the problem with being n the blue collar working class. There is no one event we can equate to the Super Bowl. No one event we can champion all year long to work towards to top off our year.

Nothing but a grueling practice eight hours a day, every day with nothing to work towards. Nothing to work for other than your pay.

Well here is what these innovative people have done here.

They know that deep down everyone wants to be a hero and make a difference somehow. And I admit that after I first saw this site I laughed, heck I'm still laughing but I salute their brilliance and what they are trying to accomplish.

They develop alter egos, who they want to be instead of who they really are, and take these new people out and battle with them against kindred souls in modern day Baltimore. They imagine themselves in a medieval world named Darkon and battle for ground on the weekends.

They strive for that one things we all miss sometimes in our own existences. They want to make a difference they are in a make believe world. So is it any less real than the Super Bowl?

No. It is as real as that event, just without the coverage, hype, fame, and money.

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