Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Mission Impossible 3 Or Is Tom Cruise Still A Star?

This will be an interesting weekend. We will all be able to see if Tom Cruise is still the box office heavyweight he has been for the past decade or if his star if going to start to fade.

MI:3 is the first movie since War of the Worlds in which Tom Cruise went nutsy on Oprah and started to rail against the psychiatric industry. Yes, MI:3 is the first movie in which we will know if the world is fed up with Cruise's antics and apparent insanity.

Personally I'll never see another Tom Cruise movie. He comes off as fake, plastic, arrogant, condescending, and well a nut. I'm done Tom, thanks for the memories.

If he comes back to Earth then we'll see.

I would bet that MI:3 will open bigger than average but won't be around long. It will probably capture the top spot come Monday. I would imagine that the American Public will forgive his behavior and will be in the theaters this weekend. That is fine, to each their own, just count me out.

Ever had one of those moments where you were instantly mad and it lasted all day? Yeah, me too.

Our lead, Picky Eater, took it upon himself to throw away years worth of stencils that we use in the operation of our jobs.

I was furious but after a while I decided to throw away something that he will probably need someday just to make his job harder like he has ours.

I felt better after coming to that conclusion:)

He just did it to make me mad. I know him well enough to know that was what he was up to. It was unnecessary to do that but he did it anyway. So once again there I am like in the commercial. I'm the human in the room full of monkeys, each of them equipped with a laser pointer which is squarely aimed at my crotch.

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