Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Casablanca And Filmmaking!!!!

Last night while listening to Super Tuesday returns I was chatting with a friend and she was watching Casablanca (one of my all time favorites) so I asked her to stop the movie and I put my copy into my PC DVD player and we watched it together!

It was synced decently close, within a couple of minutes of each other. That was a fun experience! She had never seen Casablanca before so it was a great experience for me since I've probably seen it thirty times.

Casablanca is one of those perfect movies. There isn't one frame that doesn't work. The story is great all the way through. It is what Hollywood has forgotten how to do. Tell a good story and fundamental film techniques. Everything is all CGI'd up today. While that is good in many ways since it allows for movies to be done that were never able to have been done before, they tend to forget to put a good story with the effects.

Casablanca isn't like that. It is all story and characters. What few effects there are like shadows on the wall are pretty simple now and yet still effective today.

If you haven't seen Casablanca, see it. See it two or three times, you'll get something out of it every time!

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