Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Man Hall Of Fame Part 15

Today's inductee into the Man Hall of Fame is actually a movie. This is one of the great overlooked Man movies of all time. It has kung fu fighting, a big monster, an evil genius, two beautiful women, and a truck driving hero!

Big Trouble in Little China is a man's movie! It doesn't take itself seriously and is overly entertaining! The story....who cares about the story! It has Kim Cattrell in her prime here! Her best role since the small role in Police Academy. She mostly labored on the TV screen and after Big Trouble she went to be hot in other roles too such as her immediate follow up, Mannequin.

Anyway Big Trouble is nothing but a great manly movie! It is adventurous and fun! Kurt Russell is simply Jack Burton. It wouldn't surprise me if you met Kurt Russel in real life that he gives you a Burtonism or two.

It is likely if you are watching Big Trouble and your significant other walks into the room she would probably nag at you to turn it to Lifetime Network or Oxygen or some silly thing like that.
That alone earns this movie a place in history!

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