Friday, February 08, 2008


Went really well last night for the dinner theatre production. It is a very short show. Well under two hours.

By contrast the last two shows I've had something to do with were about two hours and ten minutes. Wendy and I are going to film this Saturday afternoon. It will be fun!

Well the length of the rehearsal allowed Wendy and I to walk over to the pub and hang out for about an hour. I came rolling in just after ten. I feel pretty good today:) I nursed one drink, the first drink I've had since the one while watching the Super Bowl at Beersnob's house.

I believe we have to move the set on Sunday afternoon to where the dinner theatre takes place. It is at the top of this building, like four stories up! Fortunately the set only consists of a few chairs and some props. There are lots of costumes though.

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