Monday, December 29, 2008

One More Week

Of vacation is left! So it is about half over. It has been great so far and I'm thrilled it has been good!

Today is supposed to be really nice out. Over 60 for the high. My cold is just about gone. I feel pretty good now. Still excited for winning my fantasy league, that was pretty sweet.

I'm watching the news reports about the Israeli attacks on Hamas in Gaza. It has been in retaliation to the nearly eighty rocket attacks a day over the past few weeks and months. They finally had enough and decided to clean out Hamas. Hamas has refused to acknowledge Israel as a sovereign state and undermine all peace talks.

It should be interesting to see how this wraps up, if they stay confined to Gaza or spread out onto other territories. Israel can pretty much take out any country in that area with their firepower.

On a lighter note, the Dallas Cowboys flopped a huge belly flop yesterday. They had to win to get to the playoffs and wound up being destroyed 44-6 I believe. They have become the New York Yankees of the NFL. Its a good thing that the NFL has a salary cap or they would have been buying every free agent and Jerry Jones would have gone broke by now....and still wouldn't have bought a championship.

Black Monday has started and so far the Cleveland, New York Jets, and Lions head coaches have been fired. I'm sure there will be more to come. The Lions need to dismantle the entire management structure and rebuild. It is very difficult to become 0-16 in this age of the league. You have to make a LOT of bad decisions in a row to be that bad.

It almost has to be a concerted effort to be that bad! They did it though, as much as last year was a masterpiece of a season for the Patriots it was a culmination of years of bad decisions for the Lions which resulted in sort of an inverted masterpiece of a season.

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