Sunday, December 28, 2008


Yeah, Testees. I watched the entire first thirteen episode season yesterday and I've got to tell you that it was really funny. There were some genuine laugh out loud moments over the course of the show.

Here's the breakdown, the show airs on FX and just wrapped up its first season about a month ago. Two thirty somethings who really have no goals or aim in life are human guinea pigs for Testico, a drug testing company. There are some great pop culture references, not quite as many as in the brilliant Spaced but enough to keep you occasionally surprised.

The stuff they test is really where a lot of the comedy comes from, the episode where they lose their memory is great, the episode where they get glued together is LOL funny, the episode where they test the pheromones is outstanding. And that is just three of the ten! There really isn't a weak episode here.

You can catch the series on and with almost no commercial breaks. There is the occasional fifteen second break for Absolut Vodka but that's about it!

So if you have some time off, catch it!

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