Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Busy Day

Yeah even though I'm on vacation this week I'm working. I'm shooting today from ten until whenever and then editing after that. Depending on the size of the shoot I could be doing the bulk of the editing tomorrow.

The shoot yesterday went very well. Fast, easy, and flawless. I like that. Smooth shoots are the best. The editing went just as easy and the Divas are going in a new direction that will make things a bit more comical.

The weather isn't nearly as nice as it was yesterday but hopefully the shoots will be mostly indoors and go just as good as yesterday.

Watching North Korea news right now. It's hard to tell what they are doing. Are they trying to strengthen their position at the bargaining table or are they trying to establish the strength of Kim Jong-Il's heir Kim Jong-Un and give him credibility.

What is likely to happen is that North Korea will screw around and underestimate the retaliation headed their way. This is a situation that could go very bad very fast.

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