Monday, November 15, 2010

Very Nice Sunday

As Beersnob's magic number is now reduced to 37 today I have to tell you that yesterday was one of the best Sunday's I've had in a while:) The Date didn't do much at all but turn up the couch magnet and relax together:)

In between shows I didn't care about I moved my Starcraft record up to 108-112. I'm ranked 11th and easily within striking distance of 8th. One small streak and I'm there with points to spare.

The Walking Dead was outstanding last night. The show it its half way point and there are only three episodes left. Season two had better not be delayed! Hopefully this will be a series that will last for years!

We also watched Sarah Palin's Alaska! This show should really take the wind out of the liberal's sails about the Palins. I can't think of any recent political figure outside of President Bush who took such a media thrashing and was mercilessly bashed by liberals other than Governor Palin.

They have a very nice, normal family. There is no Ivy League pedigree there. Instead they were thrust into the national spotlight and came under some of the most intense scrutiny ever. I'd say if the media had given Obama the same scrutiny he might not have been elected. They could very well be the nice family next door.

As it has turned out though I'm thankful that Obama was elected and liberalism has been unmasked for the political philosophy it is. Obama engineered the largest conservative victory since the 1940's. Congressional districts will now be redrawn and liberals will nearly be extinct for a generation, redistricted out of existence.

In 2012 the Senate and White House will turn red and fifty years of liberalism will start to be undone. Government spending will be reined in, government will shrink, and government will once again be of the people and by the people.

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