Saturday, November 06, 2010

First Anniversary

Yes gentle readers today is the day The Date and I were married. One year ago the love of my life and Things 1 & 2 became a bigger and official part of my life.

I would like to take this blog to thank them, all three, for enriching my life and making it far better than I've ever known before. Through the good and bad we have gone through a lot and come out just fine after one year.

If the first year is the hardest then we've got this thing licked! My love, my wife, The Date has made everything better and I couldn't imagine life without her or The Things.

They took a lonely (and quite possible lifelong) bachelor and have molded him into a lot of things he never thought he would be. Love all three of you with all of me, I don't say it often enough or hardly at all but just know that I do love you three and that I'm happy you said Yes!

You've made me a better man.

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