Monday, November 01, 2010

Nodember Is Here!!!

Yes it is, Nodember first! A long national two year nightmare for any red blooded conservative is over with come tomorrow! The only question is how many in Congress will be fired and sent home to join Obama's skyrocketing unemployment lines!

I'd be thrilled with one seat majorities in both the House and Senate but the Senate will be a tough nut to crack. The House though, well that is an easily reachable goal. A few of the safer seats such as Speaker Pelosi's seat have come close to moving within the margin of error. That's quite a feat considering her district is San Francisco based.

Barney Frank's seat is close to jeopardy as well. The man who presided over the housing collapse and declared Freddie and Fannie as sound and refused reform is in danger of losing his job. Hopefully it'll happen tomorrow!

I'll be glued to the returns tomorrow night, switching between Fox and MSNBC so I get diversity in my election coverage. I have a feeling MSNBC will have a political cow tomorrow and quite possibly Matthews, Olbermann, and Maddow will need medical attention during the election returns.

My how two short years makes a difference! With W's midterm elections the setting President's party gained seats in the House and Senate. In the 2006 midterm elections the GOP lost control of Congress.

Now President Obama will have to deal with a political defeat of Mondale proportions! Liberals everywhere will deride the GOP as the party of "No" and rightfully so. That's why we are sending more conservatives and firing more liberals! President Obama's agenda will no longer be welcome in Washington. The lame duck session will be interesting. They'll have to cram as much legislation through before January as possible because it'll be their last chance.

My wildest dream is that the GOP will gain enough seats to override a veto. That would mean 2/3rds of the House and Senate would have to be in GOP hands. Only 1/3rd of the Senate is open so it isn't possible unless many seats considered safe would switch hands. The House though is a different story! Yes enough seats can change hands to render the President impotent in Washington!

That would be my wildest dream and unlikely this election. Perhaps after the GOP gets to work to repeal the Obama agenda next year we'll see if America will send them more help in 2012. I completely expect the new members elected will start on cutting the budget, entitlements, and repealing Obamacare as well as call for hearings on TARP and get their money back out of the stimulus slush fund bill.

I expect taxes to be lowered and a brand new tone to be set in Washington. No more "bipartisanship", no more compromising with liberals. I want to defeat them. I want them sent home and their agenda left in a burned out husk of failure. Tomorrow is coming and if I were a liberal I'd be nervous that my political ambitions will not see the light of day in a generation!

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