Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Good Starcraft Night

The Date made chili last night relieving me the duty of cooking:) That was very nice as I've had a tremendously busy week at work. It happened just like I predicted, one coworker is off and the workload triples.

It's been nonstop all day long. I came home and nearly fell asleep in fact.

After a very good supper I logged into Starcraft and had a pretty decent night. What an entertainment bargain! Sixty for the game and I'm just over the five hundred game mark in games played. I've fought my way up my league ladder, starting in the mid eighties I'm now ranked twenty three. Abostang and I are ranked fourth in our 2v2 league.

Getting promoted to a better league seems to be a mystery though. There are some mystery numbers you have to achieve in your game play before being promoted. There are teams with much better win/loss records than we have and they haven't been promoted yet so I'm really unsure. I've read a lot of message board posts about the subject and it's all guessing with very complicated numbers.

Blizzard has their formulas and all Abostang and I can do is just win and we'll get promoted to a tougher league. Beating every team we play and before long we'll have to be promoted! We'll just have to buckle down and play some marathon sessions and win eight or nine out of every ten games.

I'm sure we've got it in us to do that!

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