Thursday, November 04, 2010

Wind Knocked Out Of Me

Yesterday I had a huge disappointment. A while back I came up with an idea for Beersnob and I to film and market. I looked online for a similar idea and didn't find anything close to what I had in mind.

Yesterday I was listening to a radio show and the host told everyone of a new sponsor. It sounded like everything I had planned to shoot and more. I went to their website and sure enough it was exactly what I had in mind.

I felt horrible. My idea had been done. I texted The Date about it and I emailed Beersnob about it. He told me that he wasn't surprised to see a good idea already realized before we could start on it. He said we might not be first but we could do it and change our focus essentially. We'd have to talk it all over upon his return and find out how we can make it better.

The Date merely told me that competition was good.

I'm not sure how either of them realized how crushed I was. I felt like Mike Tyson from 1984 had just hit me as hard as he could in the gut and knocked me flat. This idea was a complete dream and symbolized a very nice future for my family and Beersnob's family. It was potentially gone now.

I was hurt, mad, and any other adjective you could think of along those lines. I stumbled through the rest of the day at work, took Thing 2 to violin lessons, and met with Filmmaker Friend Chris at a coffee shop while Thing 2 played for her teacher.

I didn't tell him about my devastedness (new word) and instead relayed another idea to him I had about a live streaming website. He was enthused about the idea. He asked if this was a project we could pull off or just talk about and never take any action. The simplicity of the idea all relies us not doing much. We are going to talk about it again next week and see what transpires.

That made me feel better, whether it was a dumb idea or not he listened to it and started adding to it. So nothing may never come of it and I'm ok with that. It made me feel better over the disappointment I had during the day. Maybe I can find a way to make the first project happen again or make it better. Time will tell.

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