Friday, November 12, 2010

Foggy Nights

So I'm working a shoot last night. The fog is so thick I can barely see the tall buildings in town. It's low and looks spooky in the orange sodium lights. Evenings like that are perfect for going out and walking around.

Yeah it would be cooler if there were some snow coming down but alas evenings like this you just have to take as you get them. They are rare enough. It's a rainy morning. No fog that I can see but it is drizzling at this moment.

The shoot went well. One of the better shoots we've had.

I needed that day off. It really helped me recharge a little bit and get ready for the ton of work I've got waiting on me today. Yeah I know what today will bring and it's nonstop work, busy hard work. I started off yesterday with a long losing streak on Starcraft, I ended the day with a run of nine wins and one loss!

Now on to work.

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