Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Another Long Night

Thing 2 and I left the theatre again around ten thirty. That makes for a long night and short sleeping hours. I hit the snooze button this morning twice.

The show was much better from last night, I expect it will be better again tonight before final dress tomorrow. Right now Jet is in my lap staring up at me, he had a long morning so far (about ten minutes) of running, chasing the big cats, and attacking anything that might move.

The rabbits are fed and have water, the dog is outside barking at who knows what, and I'm ready to go back to bed. Can't do that though so I'm going to stop and get a coffee and paper at the quick shop on my way to work. That's actually my custom to do so but depending on how hot it is I sometimes get a coke instead.

I'm more than a little upset with Speaker Boehner's debt ceiling plan. It essentially raises the debt ceiling by a one point five trillion dollars and cuts the same amount from spending. It will last until next April and really sounds like a wash to me. The simplest way to do something like this is to promote first a congressional reform act as I've blogged about before and then a ten percent spending cut across the board. Lowering the debt ceiling would be nice along with repealing fully Obamacare. The cherry on top would be a balanced budget amendment!

And that's why I wouldn't get along with anyone in Congress if I were ever elected.

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