Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Half Way!

Perhaps I pay too much attention to the day of the week and getting through the day. After work we went to the theatre and started cleaning the upstairs apartments which house all of our props. It was dirty, dusty, and very hot work...until it rained!

Then half of the electricity went out and eventually all as we were about to finish up. We got a good jump on the place though and soon it'll just be organizing things. I came home after and took a shower. I was filthy and sweaty. I fried up some potatoes and onions and had supper.

The Date and Thing 2 were at the theatre for auditions for a teen show. It'll be a traveling show to raise awareness of teenage problems. The Date will have to play one of the adults in the show while Thing 2 will get a part, we just don't know which part yet.

Back to the rain for a moment, it was sweet! It was a heavy rain for a bit and really cooled off the triple digit temperatures. I didn't have to water the garden or anything, it was very nice. A welcome reprieve from the oven baked surroundings of nature.

As I type this all three cats are in their post eating crazy phase. The littlest, Jet, is chasing around the bigger cats and having a great time! The other two have accepted him in just under two weeks and have played with him nonstop. Both are big enough they can hold Jet down with a paw as he fights them so that makes it especially funny!

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