Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Weekend And Grilled Pizza

Yes it's Saturday morning! We've got a wedding to attend this afternoon and Thing 2 has set call this morning. I'm going to have to get part of the lawn mowed, the rest I'm going to have to water so it doesn't die off.

The pets are all fed, coffee is brewing, and I'm blogging. It's the right kind of morning, the kind where you wake up! Last night I fell asleep around nine o'clock on the couch and woke back up close to midnight when I decided to head off to bed.

The Date had bathed the bunnies earlier in the evening, then we went to get some new air filters for the air conditioner. It was kind of slow at work but a few important jobs came in that had to be done quickly.

The other night I made pizza on my Big Green Egg. I learned a lot and plan on making it this coming Wednesday as well. Wednesday is typically the night where a couple of people come over and I make a nice meal. I love cooking for people, it's really one of my favorites things to do.

I know I need to do a couple of things different, first I didn't have enough fuel for the Egg to reach the 450-500 degree temps it needed to get to. I'll need to clean it out and start with a fresh bunch of lump charcoal. It hit 350 for a short time and could maintain 300 easily. That made for a longer cooking pizza on the baking stone. It tasted fine but I know I can do better.

Next I need to butter the crusts so they brown up a bit instead of being done and looking undone. Third I want to use a different sausage and possibly make my own pizza sauce. We used Boboli which tasted really good but it was sweet like Papa John's. I like tangy a bit better and found a recipe for that and I want to make it.

Everything else worked just fine though. The dough recipe was simple:
2 cups of flour
3/4 cup of hot water
1 tsp of fast yeast
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of olive oil

Let it rise for a half hour to an hour and put a dab of oil on it so it doesn't crack when it does rise. Then you flatten it out, any old shape will do, spread some oil on it so the sauce doesn't make it soggy, then sauce it, add cheese and your toppings. If your grill is at the right temperature then it should take around eight to nine minutes to finish up. Oh and make sure you cook your ingredients such as raw meats first before putting them onto your pizza.

Drain the grease off of them for a while and your pizza won't be greasy like delivered pizza is. I microwave the pepperoni first for about thirty seconds and let it set on paper towels to get degreased:) It makes for a LOT better pepperoni pizza! Grease isn't floating on top of everything that way.

Grilling pizza is just that simple.

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