Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Long Evening

The start of tech week went well enough. I got there at five thirty along with Thing 2 and we helped Tech Guy with the final stage preparations. We adjusted curtains and gave our best effort in getting an air conditioning unit going again.

After that I went to my perch in the tech booth to start loading cues. There's around thirty cues so it was easy enough. It was the first time I have seen 1776 since I'm not a theatre fan nor a musical fan so I had to find my way in the dark for a bit.

I believe I'll blow one or two cues tonight just because I'm still on the learning curve, by Thursday's final dress I'll be golden though.

I'm still sleepy and even hit the snooze button this morning. That's really pretty amazing for me as I'm usually awake and alert a few minutes before the alarm goes off but lay in bed regardless. That's the joy of tech week, and that's what we sign on for when we do a show:) It's a satisfying tired and a tired you can be proud of.

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