Monday, July 25, 2011

Tech Week

Tonight kicks off tech week, the busiest week of any show. The tech crew is brought on board to set light cues, tweak backstage prop wrangling, and get things set for opening night which is Friday.

It'll be a long week of long evenings. The show will be gone through with a fine tooth comb to get everything as polished as it can be. Tech week is also why I'm being selective with the shows I do now, it's a lot of work and demands a lot of time from you.

Fortunately Thing 2 is also stage managing and I probably would have been there anyway to either drop her off or pick her up. But we've got another show together and we'll both be there for it. I can't keep that girl away from the theatre, she'd actually live there if they'd let her. An old cot upstairs in the apartments/prop rooms and she'd be the happiest person in the world.

By the time her theatre career is over with here she'll be part of maybe fifty shows in come capacity, she's on pace for that many and she's going to be a freshman in high school next month! Yeah, she loves her theatre family!

So tonight 1776 gets the tech treatment and I'll be in the booth with my polishing rag.

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