Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Judgment Day

Michigan is a make or break state for Mitt Romney. Arizona is about as conservative as our state is and they should dislike Romney but would they go for Santorum or Paul? It will bring the final front runners into focus and probably be Newt's Waterloo. He should go the way of fallen contenders after today but is going to stick around for Super Tuesday on March sixth anyway.

For the first time Ron Paul has leapt in front of Obama in a national poll and would beat him 43% to 41% but the poll is within the margin of error. Paul, the conservative/libertarian even picks up disenfranchised liberals dissatisfied with Obama and his handling of...well everything!

Our country needs attention right now. We're broke, we're mired in financial disarray, and I still feel that our economic woes aren't over with yet. The next administration will have a lot of work to do. Hopefully a willing and conservative congress, united on common grounds behind him, and we'll start to see a lot of progress as we get out of these Carter-like years an onto bigger and better!

Keep watch tonight, if Romney takes Michigan then he could wrap this up soon, if Santorum does then it'll be a longer fight for sure.

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