Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Random Notes

Well the initial diagnosis of Thing 1's kidney stones proved false. They now don't know what is causing her pain. After an ultrasound, and X-ray they came up empty handed on any kidney stone. They should have something figured out today we hope. The Date is worn to a frazzle. She's slept by her side the past couple of nights, rarely leaving her. Any thoughts and prayers headed to us would be greatly appreciated.

Thing 2 and I have carried on and are holding down the fort. I'm glad that we were off yesterday! That was a big help in getting things prepared for the week and I did get a little rest yesterday before heading to work.

I finished the Hunger Games trilogy. It might be for young adults but the content is definitely more horror adult. There are some grisly deaths going on there and some scenes of horror. I'm now embarking on War and Peace and I'm going to make a run at that novel. I've read it's really good after the first hundred pages and it's a still a struggle up to four hundred. We'll see. I'll do my best.

I had a nice chat with my Northern Brother yesterday and he was telling me he remembered how he enjoyed our food when we had a restaurant. As well he should, he worked there quite a bit and did deliveries from time to time when we moved it to this town and made pizzas. Those were fun high school days!

He asked if I was ever going to open up a restaurant. I said I'd love to and have even talked to The Date about what the ideal restaurant would be like here for us to run. It'd be amazing! I'll keep this cat in the bag for a while though but rest assured I'd be able to cook as much food as I ever wanted to and feed as many as I could. Nothing would go to waste, ever.

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