Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Not Even Close

Florida decidedly gave the primary to Mitt Romney last night, walloping Newt by double digit numbers. It appears that we'll have a moderate as our nominee this go around. Let's hope that his VP pick is a stalwart conservative and can steer Mr. Romneycare away from such notions in the future.

I'd be thrilled with someone along the lines of Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Tom Coburn, or of course Rand Paul. Ron Paul has stated that this is his last hoorah and he won't run for office again. Any of those conservatives would do well to keep Mr. Romney's feet to the fire and on the straight and narrow. I've no love for Mr. Romney, he's plastic and distant but most of the country has little say in the matter.

His election will likely hinge on that VP pick at this point. He pretty much has the nomination wrapped up and while I've no love for Mr. Gingrich's occasional forays into the liberal realm and even less for his personal life the fact is that he just isn't playing well to the people. Romney's defeats have been narrow, his victories massive.

This is our system and until we come up with a better one we'll continue to get candidates such as Romney to guide the country back to prosperity. God help us.

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