Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Today is the most telling day of the election season. Florida is up for grabs by the GOP and whichever candidate wins tonight will likely be the nominee for the general election in November.

I'll have to listen to it on the WunderRadio app at work this evening but it'll be interesting. Romney has a big lead thus far. I've been very clear that I'm not a Romney fan. If I had my druthers I'd take Ron Paul in the general against Obama.

I was watching WWII in Color on the Military Channel over the weekend. They were showing the events that lead us up to WWII. We had a massive and booming economy, we were the forefront of industry in the world bar none. We had a military but it wasn't near the military we have today. The public was still war weary from WWI and had no interest in fighting for Europe again.

Slowly FDR prepared us for another conflict against evil and then the Japanese did what FDR couldn't and got us involved.

My point is that the economy that we had prior to December 7, 1941 is what Americans today want again. A vibrant and booming economy. We want to be the world's leader again in everything. We need to be building flat screens here again, we need to be building iPhones here, we need to start cutting China out of the manufacturing loop and bringing these plants home for Americans to man.

That's my libertarian side of me talking because we don't need to be isolationists right now but we do need to start withdrawing a lot of our interests from around the world home and put those resources to work for us for a while. We've always been accused of nation building, well right now we need to do that on our shores for a while. Whatever laws politicians have put in the way of that need to be done away with and corporations need to be rewarded for packing up from abroad and building plants here.

We have so many natural resources in this nation that we haven't touched yet, including labor, there is no reason we can't be the dominate financial force in the world again. That's what is at stake today. I don't know if Romney is that candidate or not but I know Obama isn't.

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