Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Back To Work

Tonight, and for probably the remainder of my stay at Walmart I go to work right after work. I'm also likely off every Thursday and Friday! Not too bad at all as far as hours go.

Today is also the official start of the primary season! Iowa has the starter's pistol and they fired it! Now we are off and running to see which candidate has the honor of knocking off Obama and relegating him to the ash heap of history along side fellow relics such as Jimmy Carter and the Soviet Union. With presidents like him you don't need communist China!

I'm the super bowl champion of both of my leagues! Next season I'll try to pay attention to what's going on again. It was very tough this season as I was working every weekend and I just had very little interest as more pressing matters held me at bay.

It's alright though, I'm recharged now after this semi-week off and I'm feeling pretty good! Yeah, no more afternoon naps though! It'll take a day or two to get back into the swing of work but thankfully I've got a pretty good job and I can take my time.

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