Thursday, January 12, 2012

Two Nights

I'm off from Walmart now for two full evenings! I'm thrilled with that actually! It's settled into being my weekly schedule now and there haven't been any changes to it in about three weeks. Five days on two days off.

I've started reading The Hunger Games, it's pretty good actually. Very easy reading as well, not as deep as Tolstoy by any stretch but for a different demographic for sure. While Tolstoy expounds on mortality Collins is talking to the GAP traveling teenager. That's not a bad thing, it can speak to adults as well, we just aren't the target audience and it's the literary equivalent to a Snickers bar rather than Tolstoy's steak and potatoes.

Regardless the brain needs fun reads as well as serious reads to maintain a healthy balance hence I'll be reading The Hunger Games trilogy.

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