Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another Work Week

Well four fifths of one anyway:) I had a cigar with Beersnob yesterday and we got to catch up and chat for a couple of hours over an Arturo Fuente. We chatted about politics, the economy, and a lot in between.

We both can't wait to see how Obama defends his record on the economy. How any one of the candidates left would be able to pummel Obama over the head with unemployment, massive spending, and the hopey/changey talk.

I'm still liking Ron Paul, the libertarian side of me just wants to see real Constitutional changes take place. I know that with a Paul administration spending would be drastically cut and we as a country would be able to concentrate on us for a while and get over this liberal sickness we've had. It's about to run its course and we're almost better though.

The only candidate I feel who really doesn't want the job is Ron Paul. Yes he is also to whom most 9/11 truthers run to for information but honestly I believe he feels the 9/11 committee wasn't 100% forthcoming. Personally I don't know and don't want to look into it. But I'd take a little paranoia if it limits the size and scope of government rather than the monster that uses agencies to spy on our everyday lives any day. The people should not fear our government, the government should fear us, the people.

Our checks and balances system is corroded and needs to be taken more seriously and we need to put people into place that makes that happen.

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