Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Hampshire

Today is the first primary of the election year and there will be no surprises after the polls close tonight. Romney will likely be the leader despite finding conservatism while campaigning. He sure didn't govern that way but it might be different if he had big margins in congress to hold him accountable and stop the liberal agenda from creeping in.

Ron Paul will have a strong showing again and Santorum will probably place. Huntsman will likely be looking for a new job come tomorrow morning and Perry will go back to Texas after South Carolina. What can I say? I'd vote for any of the over Obama and I believe Americans that are fed up with Marxism light will as well. There's a lot of work to be done for the new President, lots of work for the new congress as well. Repealing four years of Obama regulation that has kept the job market stagnant and declining for one.

I can't imagine how a lame duck Obama would serve this country for another four years if the first four are any indication. Another four years of record debt, another four years of heavy regulation that keeps industry from thriving, and Obamacare where every employer will quit paying for their portion of your health insurance and you'll be thrown into the public system. It's darkest before the dawn and it's pretty dark out there now, more problems with Iran are on the horizon and Obama is not the man to lead us into or out of those problems.

Hurry up November, this man needs to join the unemployment lines.

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