Sunday, January 01, 2012

2012 And Beyond

Ok, I poked fun of the 2012 doomsday Mayan thing last night on my Facebook by saying, "Happy New Year! Go Mayans!"

Truth is the whole thing is just a calendar reset, nothing more nothing less. There's no doomsday quickly approaching us because they chiseled something in stone in the sixth century...BC. Their calendar just resets itself and starts over.

That however does not mean we are out of hot water. 2012 will be a year of turmoil on the global stage. Unless D.C. gets spending under control we'll have a worthless dollar. The EU will likely crack further apart, Spain will likely go Greece, Syria will well be Syria and be a mess.

The Mideast will be all turmoily still because that's what they do best. If there were no oil there no one would care or pay attention to their little fits. We'll have natural disasters, wars, rumors of war, famine, sicknesses, and everything we have every other year. Some lunatic will go on a shooting spree somewhere because that's what lunatics do. He'll hurt people because he's a psycho. It'll make the news cycle for a week and disappear.

Barack Obama will have his presidency ended by the American people who are fed up with him and he'll fade to a close comparison of Jimmy Carter. The GOP nominees can squabble all they want I'll vote for any one of them over what we have now, even Romney.(blech) Anyone of the GOP candidates will be far superior to Obama.

People look at a new year as a fresh slate and that's what it is for individuals and families. It'll be in the frame of what happens above though but it's up to us to make it the best year we can make it for us. No Mayan calendar will change that.

There will be ups and downs this year. Greats, goods, neutrals, mehs, and horribles happen to everyone. You won't be able to change what happens to you that's outside of your control but you can control how you react to those events. You can suck it up, toughen up, and move forward as you learn from it or you can not do that and wallow for a while and risk being stuck there for a long time.

So don't sweat the Mayans and December 21st, 2012. It'll work out just fine:)

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