Wednesday, January 04, 2012

And It's Mitt By A Whisker

The liberal's conservative pulled out a fraction of a win last night over the surging Rick Santorum. Ron Paul finished in show with a strong showing but not quite strong enough. Relegated to irrelevant are Gingrich, Huntsman, Perry, and Bachmann.

Everyone knows that Romney has been the front runner and odds on favorite to actually win the nomination. He's liberal enough to appeal to people who are fed up with I mean Obama. He's conservative enough, and I use that term loosely, to appeal to the mainstream media's idea of conservative.

I was hoping for a Paul victory. I'm in an isolationist mood. Here's the reality of the world as I see it, we are drowning in debt. The federal government has spent way more than was allowed by law until they changed the law. We'll literally have to grow our way out of that mess and we can't do that without establishing a robust manufacturing base again. The EU is an epic failure and when it implodes we'll be the ones printing fake money out of thin air to bail it all out! All of that is happening with the rising Chinese in the background.

If pulling back some of our resources from abroad and slashing foreign aid will rebuild our manufacturing industry and help us recover from the Obonomy then I'm all for it and if Romney is the guy to convince me of that then so be it. I know Paul would have done that for sure and I know that Santorum has a plan for doing something along those lines as well.

We as a country need to concentrate on us for now and deal with the chips as they hit the floor.

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