Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hunger Games

I've finished the first of the trilogy on my kindle. It was a fast and easy read that I finished in around a week. Not bad considering my work schedule.

I'm glad that all three books are out and I don't have to wait for the trilogy to be finished, I'd have been mad if I got the first book and it ended the way it did and I'd have had to wait for the second book to come out. The story itself is incomplete so I'm withholding judgment on the whole until it's finished.

Thus far though it appears as if the story was strong up until the last fifty pages or so and then it felt rushed. I feel a lot of that should likely be fleshed out in later chapters in the next two books, or at least that's my hope for the story.

The story is brutal though and I did find myself very engaged in every bit of it. As for the upcoming movie, meh. We'll see how it goes for the books first. As a part I wouldn't call this epic, perhaps as a whole it might approach that scale. Certainly not page wise but perhaps story wise. I should be finished with the next two books by mid February if my work schedule stays the same and the next two are as easy reading, maybe as early as February if they are as easy reading.

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