Saturday, January 07, 2012

Going To Work

Thing 1 is recovering from bronchitis. The Date took her to the doctor yesterday and then she started hurting last night so we took her to the ER. She's doing fine now, has plenty of medicine, and is resting comfortably.

My brother was over this morning and we got the plumbing 100% lined out on the shower! I sealed up everything and it's drying nicely! A few pieces of molding are left and it'll be finished!

Got a haircut after work last night at a new barber shop. They offer not only very good haircuts but they trim everything up with a straight razor and offer straight razor shaves. I've got thick hair on my head but can't grow a beard at all so it's not that necessary for me. It'd probably be nice to have one done someday but I'd have to go without shaving for almost a couple of weeks to make it worth going. I'll probably be a regular there for haircuts though. Very professional and it's just like an old fashioned barber shop.

Now I'm off to work in a short while. Working until six so it's only five and a half hours today. Not bad.

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