Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Day After

Well world peace has become elusive as if everyone's Christmas wish has gone unanswered.
It was your wish wasn't it? I mean I am sure that it isn't just beauty pageant winners and myself out here asking for the same thing. I haven't met one yet so I am sure that that is a tedious connection at best worthy of My Spacien proportions.

Well regardless it was mine and it appears that so far there is good news this morning, Saddam's last appeal has been heard and denied so within thirty days he will find justice at the end of a rope.

And there is bad news, an earthquake has hit near Taiwan causing another tsunami to head toward the Philippines, two years after the tragic one that hit Sumatra, among other such stories.

Well it is a week off exactly from this point. Yesterday was nice. A good Christmas. I believe I saw A Christmas Story at least four times as a whole and at least three other times in parts, large parts. So that toll is heading higher and higher as my most watched movie.

I got a message from Catina giving me a Thank You for the documentary project. I had given her my camera for the holidays to document some of the household events and she was overjoyed, that gave me the warm and fuzzys. When the whole project comes together you will see where this fits in but right now I can't because the focus might change and it might not be a part of the main story. Documentaries are very fluid as I've written and it might very well change more than once before it is finished.

I believe I am going to fix a third cup of coffee without alcohol. It is sharply cold outside and coffee really tastes good this morning:)

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