Thursday, December 07, 2006


I picked up the first full season of Saturday Night Live recently and have been enjoying it with pleasure!

It is great to see these shows again as they aired. No I'm not old enough to remember the first season as it aired, I believe that I started watching the show around 77. I do remember those shows though and yes I was old enough then. You'd be amazed what I remember about TV from those days.

For the most part growing up we had three channels and our entertainment choices were very limited which is why I went to the theater so much...well except when there was a rated R movie playing that week.

Anyway SNL was a great way to stay up late on a Saturday night and have a few laughs. Yeah a lot of the humor was over my head but it was still funny. The parody commercials, the Star Trek parodies, Don Pardo....well you get the idea.

I've seen about three episodes so far and they are wonderful. Sometimes the jokes work sometimes they don't. There is a lot that appeals to that time frame and the context of that era but there is still some very funny moments! You can start to see the evolution of Andy Kaufman as he gets his first major exposure before Taxi started in 1978.

You get to see some eclectic musical guests and some great hosts. Some of the funniest moments so far has been the Land Shark (a favorite of mine since I was a kid and do remember this character) Jim Henson's Muppets, Jim Belushi's impersonation of Joe Cocker, it is dead on since Cocker sings along side of him as well.

The value of this set will amaze you. It is a set that will put you into the state of mind that you might have forgotten about as you saw these shows the first time around. It'll surely bring back a lot of memories and hopefully those memories were good ones:)

It is great to see the mid 70's styles, clothing, humor, musical, and some of the Weekend Update news stories.

A great ride down memory lane my friends!

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