Wednesday, December 13, 2006

So I Come Home

To find a package sitting on my doorstep, a black and white cat is perched on top of it and seemingly unafraid of me as I approached.

I quickened my pace and the kitty skittered off around the house.

So I knew I haven't ordered anything I was confused as I picked up the package. So I look at the address and sure enough, Fedex had delivered to the wrong address. So I see that it came from Circuit City and call the number on the address and they are of little help.

I thought maybe they could arrange a truck to come around and pick it up and redeliver the package to the owner. Well no luck and they, yes they did, suggested I keep the merchandise. I said that it wasn't mine and it needs to go to the proper owner.

So I get off of the phone with the Circuit City tech support and to my surprise they wish me a Merry Christmas which actually gave me a smile as it put me into shock! So I decide to just bypass calling Fedex and go directly to the owner himself. So I find his phone number and learn he is working out and is very happy to come by and pick up his box in about an hour.

So I decide to watch a few episodes of 24 season 5 and then I hear a truck pulling up. It is the proper owner and he is simply thrilled!!!! It is really a simple product, a XM satellite radio mount for his inside stereo so he can listen to the satellite radio service in his house. He is massive and has several tattoos to go along with his shaved head and goatee but he is a bit slow in his speech and motions but he is extremely friendly and happy!

All together I am happy I was able to find him and get the property to him as well be wish Merry Christmas by a stranger on the phone!

A unique day:)

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