Sunday, December 17, 2006

Ouch It Hurts!!!!

Ok American culture has devolved to where anyone with a single digit IQ can not only become ultra successful and bypass a well deserved career of deep fat frying things.

I saw a story this morning where Jessica Simpson had such a difficult time saying her lines in her new project that the producers had to have her fitted for a ear piece so that they could feed her the lines.

Yes in today's world you can get by on looks alone, which is probably why I am a poor blue collar worker who hits a clock in the morning. Yes I am very pro capitalism and this is one of those unfortunate side effects of such a system.

I swear, she is one sneeze away from losing her only working brain cell and is worth more than Africa and India combined!

Somewhere a Hooters is missing their model employee prototype. No it doesn't make me jealous, it gives me hope that someone who can work hard can get ahead and obviously the American Dream is available to everyone. The size of the pie is infinite and welcome to all.

Tomorrow the documentary starts. We are supposed to meet for a pre-audition drink and kick things off with a Vinatieri field goal instead of a Vanderjagt like shank. We have some great groundwork put into place and I am confident that this is going to be a successful endeavor!

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